Camilla Gray-Nelson, The Dog Talk Diva

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Psychic Dog Training: My Secret “Don’t-even-think-about-it” Technique

photo of fortune teller's hands
Well, maybe I’m not exactly psychic, but dogs think I am! By paying attention to their body language I can tell what they’re about to do before they do it. You can sort of read their minds.

It’s fun training animals – especially dogs.  Even more fun is when clients think what you do is magic.  They can’t imagine how one can get a dog to obey so quickly, cooperate so fully or stop problem behaviors so easily — and it all happens without force or coercion, right in front of their eyes.  My secret?  “Psychic” dog training!

Well, maybe I’m not exactly psychic, but dogs think I am!  By paying attention to their body language I can tell what they’re about to do before they do it.  You can sort of read their minds.  Anyone can do this, but when I sense that a dog is about to misbehave, I step in and stop the behavior before it happens.  I stop the dog while he’s thinking about doing the deed, not after he’s already done it.   That’s the secret sauce!  For example, when I am walking a dog and training him not to pull on the leash, I can sense when he’s thinking about walking faster than I am.  As soon as I do, I STOP SHORT with the dog before the pulling happens.  I correct the behavior before it occurs.  But the dog thinks I’ve read their mind.  I must be supernatural! I must be God!   And once I am seen as the all-knowing and all-powerful One, the rest is easy.  Best part is, my clients can use this technique at home once we teach them, for greater success in reducing all sorts of annoying behaviors – from leash pulling to counter-surfing to barking at other dogs…and on and on.

Don’t wait for your dog to misbehave.  Watch him closely and you will see his intention.  If the intention is to do something you don’t want, with a little training you can quickly but quietly stop him before he does it!  You might call it “training to intention.”  IMPORTANT: You will need a good trainer to teach you the many safe and quiet ways to effectively interrupt or stop behaviors before they happen, but once you learn the techniques, a whole new world of dog training – and obedience – awaits.

Here in our Dream Dogs program at Dairydell Canine in Petaluma, CA, we specialize in nature-based training and teaching dog owners how to recognize and train to intention.  Contact us for more information.   (707) 762-6111.

Hey, I know what you’re thinking….  ?


Picture of Camilla Gray-Nelson

Camilla Gray-Nelson

I was born on a dairy farm in Petaluma, CA, my father an Irish immigrant and my mother the daughter of a local blacksmith-turned-auto-parts-dealer. Most of my friends growing up had four legs, not two. From my earliest days on the farm I learned a great truth: that the secret to getting what you want and influencing others is quiet strength, feedback and follow-through – not yelling, intimidation or conflict. Nature taught me this. My parents proved it. I live it. It has been my personal goal to share Nature’s message of quiet power with women (and men) everywhere to help them become more effective not only with their dogs, but in their greater lives as well.
Picture of Camilla Gray-Nelson

Camilla Gray-Nelson

I was born on a dairy farm in Petaluma, CA, my father an Irish immigrant and my mother the daughter of a local blacksmith-turned-auto-parts-dealer. Most of my friends growing up had four legs, not two. It has been my personal goal to share Nature’s message of quiet power with women (and men) everywhere to help them become more effective not only with their dogs, but in their greater lives as well.

Looking for 5-Star Dog Board and Train?

Check out Dairydell's California Doggie Dude Ranch & Training Center
Petaluma, CA

Looking for 5-Star Dog Board and Train?

Check out Dairydell's California Doggie Dude Ranch & Training Center
Petaluma, CA

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