Leadership Walk 2.0 – The “Go On”
The “Go On” gives your dog permission to walk ahead of you, sniff the ground and widen their walking territory – without pulling.

Living with a Nervous or Reactive Dog
8 out of 10 behavior consults booked with me are about dogs that are so nervous or insecure that they are either miserable or threatening to bite people or other dogs!

“Trained” or “Obedient”? …It Depends on YOU
Do not expect your “trained” dog to be obedient until YOU GET TRAINING IN HOW TO FOLLOW THROUGH!

The 7 Triggers for Aggression
To live more safely with any dog, be aware of the seven potential triggers for aggression and avoid them whenever possible.

Covid, Coddling and Unintended Consequences
There’s a downside to spoiling your dog and too much togetherness!

Understanding Leash Reactivity: The 6 Stages
Because predation is generally a straight-line process, break one stage and you can usually stop the process!

Understanding Socialization
Socializing a dog means helping them learn to live safely and comfortably in the human social world around them. Nowhere in that definition does it say, “must play well with other dogs” or, “must accept strangers.

How to Enjoy Stress-Free Travel with Your Dog
If you’re planning to travel with your dog in tow, a little preparation can help ensure a safe and comfortable journey for all. With the right destination, accommodations, and accessories, your dog will enjoy your vacation so much that he’ll be begging for more.

Instant Obedience: Just Add Limits!
A dog that doesn’t listen, talks back or takes over the home is a dog that believes they are in charge and does not really respect you.

Podcast: Why Your Dog May Not Listen To You
Part II: Camilla continues to discuss the special problems of women establishing leadership with their dogs and why they may have trouble getting their dogs to listen. Camilla’s 30 year foundation in training brings many solutions to the table for women who love their dogs.

Podcast: How Women Can Better Control Their Dogs
Camilla discusses the special problems of women training their dogs. Camilla’s 30 year foundation in training has revealed the secret of power for women. Women do not need to be like men… but they must be willing to set and enforce boundaries.

Should Young Children Go to Dog Parks?
Often times, going to a dog park is a dog’s only physical outlet to “let loose”. Rough play or rude behavior (towards dogs or humans) can be common. Couple that with an owner who is looking more at their phone or chatting with other dog owners, and things can go wrong in a nano second.

To Be Loved or To Lead: What’s Your Goal?
Have you ever known a woman whose only goal was to be loved by a man? When their sole goal is to be loved, women do stupid things. They come across as needy, clingy and weak.

Four Keys to Power, Influence and Success
This is a good list. What is most interesting about it, however, is that these same leadership qualities play a role in all social animal groups as they sort out their leaders and followers.

Hyperactive Dog? Drive the Bus!
after just several minutes with me quietly yet clearly taking charge and communicating what I expect of them – a miraculous transformation occurs. The dog is calm, polite, and relaxed.

Psychic Dog Training: My Secret “Don’t-even-think-about-it” Technique
Well, maybe I’m not exactly psychic, but dogs think I am! By paying attention to their body language I can tell what they’re about to do before they do it. You can sort of read their minds.

Crate Training – The First Step to a Better Dog
First, your thoughts and feelings about a crate will transfer to your dog, so get yourself in the right frame of mind from the get-go. A crate is NOT a prison…